How to get to Cat Ba Island from Halong Bay

How to get to Cat Ba Island from Halong Bay is a question for many travellers who wish to visit Halong Bay then want to visit Cat Ba Island also. As Cat Ba Island is a very famous and a good place to visit so many travellers also wish to visit Cat Ba Island and have time to relax on Bat Bat Island after Halong Bay. There are nice beaches in Cat Ba Island and there is a town on the island with fresh air.

There are some ways you can get to Cat Ba Islands from Halong Bay.  Overall, Incredible Asia Journeys will introduce 3 Ways to get to Cat Ba Island from Halong Bay, let's see them below and choose the most suitable way for your group!

1. Tuan Chau – Cat Ba Island by Ferry

Tuan Chau – Cat Ba Island by Ferry

Travel from Tuan Chau to Cat Ba by a ferry is a convenient and fast way for many travellers who have visited Halong Bay with an overnight cruise or a day cruise and stay overnight in a hotel in Halong City or Tuan Chau.

From 2009, Au Lac Quang Ninh – Tuan Chau Group start running the Tuan Chau – Cat Ba Island Ferry Route so travellers can get to Cat Ba Island easily from Halong Bay. The ferry trip takes about 45 minutes while travellers may enjoy a peaceful time watching the Natural World Wonder of Halong Bay.

1.1. How to Get to Cat Ba From Halong City

If you stay in Halong City and want to go to Cat Ba Island you can get a taxi to Tuan Chau which is about 10 km from Halong City. At Tuan Chau, you can buy a ferry ticket at the Tuan Chau Ferry Counter. The tickets cost about 3.5 USD/person.

1.2. How to Get To Cat Ba From Tuan Chau

If you stay overnight in a hotel in Tuan Chau, that will be very convenient as most of the hotels in Tuan Chau are not so far from Tuan Chau Ferry Station. So you may tell your hotel to arrange the transfer for you.

1.3. After finishing a cruise trip

There are many cruises in Halong Bay starting from Tuan Chau Harbour in Tuan Chau so if you have finished a cruise trip which starting from Tuan Chau Harbour, that is easy for you. You can walk to the ferry counter for buying a ticket to Cat Ba Island.

If your cruises disembark not in Tuan Chau but in other harbours like Sun Harbour or Hon Gai Harbour (for the cruises in Bai Tu Long Bay), you will need to get a taxi to Tuan Chau to buy a ticket to get to Cat Ba Island.

1.4. Tuan Chau – Cat Ba Ferry Schedule

Cat Ba Island is an interesting destination for Vietnamese so the number of domestic tourists increasing in summer (from May to the end of September). That is the reason why there are more ferry routes/ day in summer but fewer in other seasons. 

So if you travel in summer, that is easy for you to get a ferry as it is quite often and you do not have to wait for long.

From 30th April – 30th September

Tuan Chau – Cat Ba Island: 07h30, 09h00, 11h30, 13h30, 15h00

Cat Ba Island – Tuan Chau: 09h00, 11h30, 13h00, 15h00, 16h00

From 01st Oct – 29th April

Tuan Chau – Cat Ba Island: 07h30, 11h30, 15h00

Cat Ba Island – Tuan Chau: 09h00, 13h00, 16h00

1.5. Tuan Chau – Cat Ba Ferry Ticket

There are different ticket prices depending on whether you are a guest only or you drive a motorbike or car. We list the full-price Tuan Chau Ferry ticket 2024 for different options in case you may pay for the car or van ticket by which you go or you ride a motorbike on your trip.

+ Guest only: 80,000 VND

+ Rider with motorbike: 100,000 VND

+ Car from 4 to 8 seats: 480,000 VND

+ Van from 9 to 15 seats: 520,000 VND

+ Van from 16 to 23 seats: 560,000 VND

+ Bus from 24 to 29 seats: 600,000 VND

+ Over 30-seat bus: 650,000 VND

2. Get To Cat Ba Island by Speedboat

Tuan Chau – Cat Ba Island by Speedboat

If you do not wish to travel by ferry from Halong Bay to Cat Ba Island, a speedboat from Bai Chay or Tuan Chau to Cat Ba Island is an option. There are several sharing speedboats from Bai Chay or Tuan Chau and there are private speedboats if you wish.

The harbour in Halong Bay is Bai Chay or Tuan Chau and in Cat Ba is Gia Luan. So you can start from Bai Chay or Tuan Chau in Halong for a speedboat to Gia Luan Harbour then take a bus from Gia Luan to Cat Ba Town. There are several buses between Gia Luan and Cat Ba Island Town. The normal ticket price is about 6.00 USD and it takes about 20 to 30 minutes for the speedboat to travel from Halong Bay to Cat Ba.

3. How To Get To Cat Ba Island By Cable Car

Tuan Chau – Cat Ba Island by Cable Car

From May 2020, Cat Ba Cable Car is an option for travelling to Cat Ba Island. The cable car to Cat Ba Island with 4 stations will connect Cat Hai in Hai Phong to Cat Ba Island. At the moment – in 2024, the Cat Hai – Phu Long route is completed and you can travel from Cat Hai to Phu Long in Cat Ba Island then you can get a bus from Phu Long to Cat Ba Town.

3.1. From Halong City

If you stay in Halong City or you have finished a cruise in Bai Tu Long or Halong Bay, you can get a taxi to Cat Hai for buying a cable car ticket to Cat Ba Island. The taxi from Halong City or Tuan Chau (where many cruises in Halong Bay embark/disembark) will cost about 60.00 USD and it takes about 1 hour for driving.

3.2. From Lan Ha Bay

Nowadays, when we are talking about a cruise in Halong Bay it means we are talking about a cruise to Halong Bay Center, Bai Tu Long Bay or Lan Ha Bay because they share the same geography, climate and scenery. So most of the new cruises in Halong Bay and luxury cruises in Halong Bay now run the Lan Ha Bay route.

That will be very convenient to get to Cat Ba Island if you take a cruise in Lan Ha Bay. Those cruises embark/disembark at Got Harbour in Cat Hai and Got Harbour is next to Cat Ba Cable Station.

So after ending the cruise in Lan Ha Bay, you can walk to Cat Ba Cable Car Station in Cat Hai to buy a ticket to Cat Ba Island. Then, get a bus and go to Cat Ba Town. 

Make your trip more convenient with Lan Ha Bay and Cat Ba Island Day Trip from Hanoi, which is created to enjoy both Halong Bay and Cat Ba Island. Reach out to us to secure your spots!

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